

Started in 1996 by a husband and wife team, TrueTimber® has become a widely trusted company in the hunting apparel space. After debuting their first camo design in 2005, TrueTimber rapidly became a household name with their effective array of camo options. Combining unique, effective camo patters with high quality apparel is something we rely on here at WHO-TEE-WHO when we’re out in the field chasing that trophy buck. Now, TrueTimber is one of the leading camo brands in both the United States and canada. With a solid foundation of experienced professionals who have a passion for the hunting space, we trust TrueTimber to create our one-of-a-kind merch you’ll see in our WHO-TEE-WHO online store.

All our WHO-TEE-WHO branded gear has been created in partnership with our sponsor TrueTimber. They’ve become our go-to apparel for whenever we’re out shooting some bing bangs, and we wouldn’t have it any other way.

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