Who is Whoteewho?
A digital creator, YouTube celebrity and shooting sports enthusiast, Adam is best known in the industry as Whoteewho. Combining an unrivaled passion for firearms with a keen business know-how, WHOTEEWHO is the go-to guy for all things guns, gear and good times.
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CHEAPEST Rifle Out There [Now In the Only Caliber You Need]
THIS is going to be a really big deal...
code: whoteewho - Big Discounts on Blackhound Optics
CRAZY FIND!!! [You Will Never Seen Another One]
So cool to see this. You will never see another one of these anywhere....
MY BEST GROUP EVER! [And With A Magnum]
code: whoteewho for 20% OFF ZeroTech optics
Subscribe to Reloading Weatherby: https://www.youtube.com/@UClebL95WbHFEFAbE4XrxPVg
260 Remington Pawn Shop Find - Will It Shoot???
Found this 260 Remington at the pawn shop!
Code: whoteewho 25% OFF Arken Optics
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Finally Got THIS to the Range and it KICKS!!!
This one has a whole lotta boogie on it!!!
Night Vision/Thermal Optics NOW Affordable!!! [This Is A Gamechanger]
Use code: whoteewho at DNToptics for big discounts
.264 Winchester Magnum for Elk??? + Bullet Drop Explained
Code: whoteewho 25% OFF Arken Optics
New Range Toys You Need to Check Out!!!
Check em out here: https://alnk.to/7qltCb0
Which is your favorite 6.5??? I posted this video a while back showing muzzle velocities of several 6.5 cartridges. 6.5-300 is the ultimate winner in speed but some .264 win mag and 6.5prc loadings come real close. #whoteewho

This 300 Weatherby Magnum in a Vanguard is an absolute tackdriver. I got a great deal on it at my local spot Toliver`s. #whoteewho #300wby #300weatherby #zerotech

I bought this older, used 260 Remington at the pawn shop on a whim. I want to have videos and knowledge on every cartridge and this is one I have never had. It is a Savage 10 Predator I believe. So far I love it. Videos out soon. @savagearms #whoteewho #260remington #arkenoptics

Hunting with friends is always more fun! Had a great week this week chasing elk in Utah with @backfirejim #elk #elkhunting #whoteewho #backfire #🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Getting my new Savage set up with rings from @rpmflg - made in USA, co-linear mounted bubble level, 6061-T6 aluminum AND came with a T25 wiha torx bit. Ready to get this one to the range. #whoteewho #ruffsprecisionmanufacturing #scoperings

Pic of me and @chasin_theoutdoors from last season. Was a good day! #whoteewho #deerseason #deerhunting #whitetail